Lesson Plan: Future Plans

During this lesson, you will learn how to make sentences and questions about the future.

To speak about the future, we use:

#1Future Simple
#2Future with Going to
#3Present Continuous
#4Other expressions

With those structures, we can create:

  • I will create a new website
  • I am going to create a new website
  • I am creating a new website
  • I would like to create a new website

Technically speaking, “I would like to create a new website” is not a sentence to speak about the future but it conveys the idea that you want to do something in a near future.

We could use also:

  • Might and say “I might create a new website”
  • Hope and say “I hope to create a new website”
  • My goal is and say “My goal is to create a new website

So let’s get started

Pre-Task #1


Learn about the stages of web development


  1. Check the periodic table of web design or download it: “Periodic Table of Web Design Process”
  2. Try to become familiar with each one of the six stages (Brief, Planning, Design, Development, Launch and Maintenance)
  3. Read the sentences and identify to what stage they belong. Wordwall: Periodic Table of Web Design Process”

Pre-Task #2: Reading (20 mins)


Read the text


  1. Click the link below
  2. Listen and complete the tasks

Exercise: Joseph’s Future (Future Simple)

Pre-Task #3 : Listening (20 Mins)


Listen and complete tasks


  1. Click the link below
  2. Listen and complete the tasks

Listening Task: Periodic Table of Web Design [Future Simple]

Main Task (30 mins)


Read about the life of Anna and Sasha


  1. Take ten minutes to read about life of Anna and Sasha
  2. Take another ten minutes to make prediction about what they want to do
  3. You will share your prediction with other classmates during ten minutes

You can check the reading here:

Future: What to do on the Holidays? [Anna and Sasha]

Break: (25 Mins)


Time to have a break before the test

Shot Test: (75 Mins)


Take a short test about what you have learned so far during the course

Manuel Campos, English Professor

Manuel Campos

I am José Manuel and I am an English Teacher in Costa Rica who loves English. I have been teaching English for more than 8 years and I like sharing what I know with others