Reading Task: The Web Designer’s schedule

Read the different tasks that will be carried out by the web designer

My name is Zeek and this is my schedule for next week

TimeTasks for Monday
09:00-10:00Developing the front end of the website
10:00-11:00Wireframing and prototyping the website
11:00-12:00Lunch break
12:00-14:00Designing the user interface (UI)
14:00-15:30Developing the front-end of the website
TimeTasks for Tuesday
09:00-10:00Meeting with the development team
10:00-11:00Implementing responsive design
11:00-12:00Lunch break
12:00-14:00Integrating back-end functionality
14:00-15:30Testing and bug fixing
TimeTasks for Wednesday
09:00-10:00Finalizing the website design
10:00-11:00Optimizing website performance
11:00-12:00Lunch break
12:00-14:00SEO optimization and keyword research
14:00-15:30Deploying the website to the server
TimeTasks for Thursday
09:00-10:30Meeting with the client for project handover
10:30-11:00Final documentation and file organization
11:00-12:00Lunch break
12:00-13:30Project wrap-up and invoicing
13:30-15:30Updating portfolio and marketing efforts

Manuel Campos, English Professor

Manuel Campos

I am José Manuel and I am an English Teacher in Costa Rica who loves English. I have been teaching English for more than 8 years and I like sharing what I know with others