Simple Requests: Programmer Requests for Help

In this reading, you will learn more about requesting help from other IT professionals

Check these phrases and make sure you understand them before reading the conversation

#1I am having trouble with …
#2I’m swamped with …
#3I won’t be able to …
#4I’m currently tied up with …
#5I wonder if…
#6I overheard your conversation…
#7I’m struggling with…
#8Let’s dive into it …
#9I will sort this out …

Reading: Programmer Requesting Help


Listen to the recording and arrange the ideas in the order they were presented

Mike: Hey there, I’m having trouble with this complex coding issue. Could you help me out?

Engineer 1: Sorry, I’m currently swamped with my own tasks. I won’t be able to assist you right now.

Mike: Oh, alright. No worries. Maybe someone else can help?

Engineer 2: I’d love to help, but I’m currently tied up with another project. Sorry.

Mike: That’s unfortunate. I really need to get this fixed soon. I wonder if anyone else is available?

Engineer 3: Hey, I overheard your conversation. I have some time right now. What’s the issue?

Mike: Thank you so much! I’m struggling with this coding problem. I’ll explain the details.

Engineer 3: No problem, let’s dive into it. I’ll do my best to assist you and get it sorted out.

Manuel Campos, English Professor

Manuel Campos

I am José Manuel and I am an English Teacher in Costa Rica who loves English. I have been teaching English for more than 8 years and I like sharing what I know with others